Wednesday, February 3, 2021

a child

"Our spirits are eternal. Our souls are forever. The next time you encounter an elderly person, look at them and know they are still a child, just as you are still a child and children will always need love, attention and purpose."  a quote from a fb post by the Blue Ridge Believers September 28, 2018

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Tony Bennett

John Colapinto wrote a very moving article for the AARP. It is about Tony Bennett and his Alzheimers.


I see that this is part of a series of articles by the AARP about Tony Bennett and his journey, that his family wants to share with us, to know, learn, and understand.

"... his expression had a masklike impassivity" made me cry.  I know that look so well.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


A wonderful article about using the Montessori method of education with people who are living with dementia.  Check out the Association Montissori International AMI website for more information. LINK

You can find their video here: VIDEO