Monday, November 28, 2011


A few weeks ago I told you that Mom's sorority sisters were going to visit and take her out for lunch.  I told Mom this on a Tuesday. She was dressed and waiting all day Wednesday and all day Thursday. Thursday at 1:00 I got a call from Mom's aide: were these ladies coming to take her out for lunch? I had no idea. I was at work and had no way to get in contact with them. It was a very rainy day, were they lost, broke down? Did they ever call and excuse themselves?

At my next visit with Mom, she told me she was angry that she had missed her "meeting at the sorority" and that she would have gone if she had her car.

The ladies did finally make it up to visit Mom. They took her out for lunch.  The note I got from one of them said that they didn't think Mom knew who they were. She couldn't connect the old names with these old faces. She couldn't even participate in the conversation about the "good old times".   When I asked Mom how her visit was, she didn't remember going out to lunch at all. She was still feeling angry that she had missed the original "meeting at the sorority".

I am grateful for these ladies for trying to maintain the bond of friendship that has been there for so long. To reach out one more time, before they all fly south for the winter.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Isn't it strange to be the social coordinator for a parent? I feel like I need to be apologizing, filling in the gaps, translating what I think Mom MEANS to say, but can't. Thankfully, the truest friends already know how to read between the lines, and love Mom the same as they ever did. Thank you for this post.